Elixir Design

Follow Me Talk social media posts

Creating fresh social media designs for FMT.

Follow Me Talk social media posts project was aimed at designing new and fresh social media posts that would widen the scope of the target market for the company. The project involved uncovering current market trends and incorporating them into the designs to create posts that were both on-trend and effective in reaching a wider audience.

As a designer, I ideated and executed new and fresh designs that maintained the essence of the company while expanding the net of their market. The designs were created with the company’s brand in mind, ensuring that each post was consistent with their overall brand identity.

In addition to designing the social media posts, I also managed the company’s social media platforms, including handling audience engagement. This involved designing for each platform, ensuring that the posts were optimized for each platform’s specific requirements and engaging with the audience through comments and direct messages.


Follow Me Talk Social Media




Nov 2019 – Jun 2020


Social Media