Elixir Design

Chapa Mandashi

Revitalizing a Classic

The Chapa Mandashi Baking Powder packaging redesign project is focused on refreshing the brand’s image after more than 40 years in the market. As a family staple for baking purposes in Kenya, the packaging design has remained the same for decades, and the aim of this project is to give it a modern and updated look.

The project aims to maintain the brand’s recognition while adding a contemporary touch that will attract new consumers. The design will focus on creating a fresh and vibrant feel to the packaging while still keeping the familiar brand colors and elements.

The redesigned packaging will be eye-catching, bold, and easy to identify on the shelves, with a clear and concise product description. The new packaging will be designed to communicate the quality and reliability of the brand while highlighting its longevity in the market.


Proposed packaging rebrand


Chapa Mandashi


March 2019


Packaging Design